Sept 29, 2017 – Voting Results Report

Dear Shareholder:

On behalf of Sage Properties Corp. (SAGE) and the board of directors, we would like to thank all of the shareholders who participated in our Annual Meeting on September 29, 2017.

A total of 314 shareholders or 54.71% of the issued and outstanding voting shares were represented. Please see the attached summary of results from the meeting.

Please note that SAGE’s By-law 8.11 requires that a minimum of 50% of the issued and outstanding voting shares participate at each meeting to be able to conduct the business of SAGE.  This requirement was narrowly met at this meeting.

We strongly encourage all shareholders to have a say in Sage’s future by participating and voting either in person or by proxy at all future meetings.  If the 50% participation rate is not met, SAGE will be forced to adjourn the meeting and this will result in additional costs being incurred by SAGE.

If you have any questions with respect to the voting results please contact Sage at 403-478-9661 or by email to

Sincerely yours

Sandra Jory, CPA, CA

Board Chair

Sage Properties Corp.