Director since: August 26, 2016
Number of Shares Owned: Nil
CEF Nominee: Yes
Areas of Expertise:
- Governance
- Commercial Real Estate
- Property Management
- Finance
- Accounting
- Taxation
Principal Occupation during the Preceding Five Years:
- Owner and property manager of a private residential real estate company in Wetaskiwin, Alberta (2011 to present)
- Asset Manager for Triple S. Management Ltd. (February 2017 to present)
- Chief Financial Officer of KV Mortgage Fund, KV Capital Inc. and KV Private Equity Inc. (January 2019 to January 2020)
Reasons for Serving on SAGE Board:
I’ll never forget the phone call I received in January 2015 when my cousin asked if I had heard that ABC District Church Extension (CEF) was in financial trouble. Or the moment when I read CEF’s 2012 audited financial statements and realized that the failure of the CEF had been hidden from its membership for years. I was angry and hurt that our church leadership had violated our trust. When I was asked in the spring of 2015 to serve on the CCAA creditor’s committee I had hoped that my skills and experience could be used to protect the interests of CEF depositors and that I could assist with developing a plan to get as much money back to depositors as quickly as possible.
When the CCAA restructuring plan was being developed, I put my name forward to serve on the board of directors of “Newco” (now SAGE) so that the interests of CEF depositors would continue to be protected. I also wanted to make sure that the mistakes of the CEF would not be repeated. To that end, I am committed to ensuring that SAGE will continue to operate with excellent corporate governance, be financially accountable and give regular updates to its shareholders. I am also proud to say that we have put together a team of highly skilled professionals who are working diligently to execute the plan to maximize the value of SAGE assets and return cash to our shareholders.
Current Board/Committee Membership:
- Director
- Executive Board Chair
- Audit Committee Member
- Special Committee Member
- COVID-19 Pandemic Oversight Chair