October 26, 2018

October 26, 2018

Dear Shareholder,

Prince of Peace School – School Closure – Notice of Public Consultation

On Thursday October 18, 2018, the Rocky View School District (“RVSD”) issued a letter to the parents of Prince of Peace Lutheran School advising that a public consultation process would be commencing in November 2018 to explore the future of the Prince of Peace Lutheran School program in accordance with Alberta Education’s School Closure Regulations.  Note that a copy of the letter can be found at http://www.rockyview.ab.ca/consultation/parent-letter-prince-of-peace-consultation-notice/view).

Discussions are ongoing with RVSD for the purchase and/or ongoing lease of the school.  Sage would like to advise our stakeholders that the Sage Board of Directors is committed to working towards a solution with RVSD and is willing to explore every opportunity to keep Prince of Peace School open for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders.  We encourage all stakeholders to participate in the consultation process.  The times and dates for the consultation can be found at http://www.rockyview.ab.ca/consultation.

If you have any questions pertaining to any of the above information relayed in this letter, please contact the Sage office either by email at info@sageproperties.ca or phoning (403) 478-9661.

Sincerely yours,

Sandra Jory, CPA, CA

Board Chair

Sage Properties Corp.


CC:       Larry Paul, Assistant Superintendent, Rocky View Schools

Todd Brand, Board Chair, Rocky View Schools