To Shareholders,
We are watching the COVID-19 pandemic situation closely as the health and safety of our employees, residents, school personnel, students and Utility support workers is our number one priority. To assure our shareholders we are doing all we can to protect and slow the rate of transmission of COVID-19 within our facilities, we have intensified our protocols and restricted public access to them. For your information, (please see the link) from David Bird, the COO of Verve, our Prince of Peace operator, that details the protocols that have been put in place. Notice From Verve Senior Living Mar. 14, 2020
We understand how much we all rely on our connectivity – whether to stay connected to our workplace, stay in touch with friends and family, or to keep our families informed. We are implementing an increased level of communication with our shareholders to inform and support them through sharing the latest information on our efforts regarding COVID-19.
Thank you for your continued support during this very stressful time.
Sincerely yours,
(signed) “Sandra Jory”
Sandra Jory, CPA, CA
Board Chair
Sage Properties Corp.